P&J Security Services Limited v Marin Chitii [2015] ILCR Determination No. DWT1556

Posted In: Case Law
  • Case Reference
  • Legal Body
    Labour Court (LC)
  • Type of Claim / Jurisdiction
    Working Time
Issues covered: Section 28(1), Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997; Break Periods; P&J Security Services Limited v Marin Chitii [2015] ILCR Determination No. DWT1556

This case concerned a claim that the Complainant did not have allocated break times, thus infringing section 12 of the Act. The Court, upholding the Rights Commissioner’s decision, held that the Complainant fell within the exempted groups under Section 3 of Statutory Instrument No 29/1998. Therefore, it was sufficient the Complainant could avail of unspecified breaks.

This article is correct at 02/10/2015

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