A Secondary School Teacher Noeleen Bogue v The Department of Education and Science [2019]

Posted In: Case Law
  • Decision Number
  • Legal Body
    Workplace Relations Commission (WRC)
  • Type of Claim / Jurisdiction
    Discrimination, Contracts of Employment, Working Time
Issues covered: Gender Discrimination; Employment Equality

The Complainant claimed that she had been discriminated against by her Employer by reason of her Gender and her Family Status. The Claimant alleged that the discrimination arose by way of a Department of Education and Skills Circular (9/2013) which came into effect in May 2013. She also claimed that she is now being treated less favourably than her non-pregnant colleagues as she has not been afforded the same entitlement to annual leave and public holidays.

The Circular 09/2013 provided that Annual Leave henceforth was to be taken on existing school closure days. The Claimant has been a Career Guidance teacher for 19 years. During this time, she had taken two separate periods of

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This article is correct at 24/07/2019

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