How to… Ensure Effective Teamwork

Posted in : How To... with Dr. Gerry McMahon on 23 October 2017
Dr. Gerry McMahon
Productive Personnel Ltd
Issues covered:

First things first: do teams work? Yes - it is well established via research that team working:

  • Enhances employee attitudes (e.g. engagement, motivation) and behaviour (e.g. absenteeism, turnover).
  • Enables greater financial performance - which may be the most convincing argument for making an investment in team-based working in profit-making organisations.
  • Effects increased organisational efficiency, productivity and quality.

In summary, effective teamwork ensures results that surpass the sum of individual efforts. Creating high-performance teams is all about getting the right people, getting them motivated and getting them to focus on the right things. Some years ago extensive and

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This article is correct at 23/10/2017

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Dr. Gerry McMahon
Productive Personnel Ltd

The main content of this article was provided by Dr. Gerry McMahon. Contact telephone number is +353 1 490 7490 or email

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