How To: Have a Difficult Conversation at Work

Posted in : How To... with Dr. Gerry McMahon on 17 December 2019
Dr. Gerry McMahon
Productive Personnel Ltd
Issues covered:

Difficult conversations are those exchanges that you don’t want to have. They normally entail the potential for conflicting views, damaged relationships and uncertain outcomes. And all this is alongside a corrosive anxiety over what and how to make your points.

Like people, these conversations come in all shapes and sizes. Unless considered and conducted carefully, the outcome can take a variety of unexpected and unwelcome forms. But as the actress Gwyneth Paltrow correctly points out: ‘you’re not learning anything unless you’re having difficult conversations’!

To get the best outcome from these tricky exchanges, you need to manage your emotions and information in a sensitive and

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This article is correct at 17/12/2019

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Dr. Gerry McMahon
Productive Personnel Ltd

The main content of this article was provided by Dr. Gerry McMahon. Contact telephone number is +353 1 490 7490 or email

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