2014 Global Top Five Total Rewards Priorities Survey
Posted in : HR Updates ROI on 4 December 2015 Issues covered:Valerie Daunt writes:
Deloitte have released their 2014 Global Top Five Total Rewards Priorities Survey
What Total Rewards issues are on the minds of employers from around the world? And what are employers concerned with today and in the years ahead? As the business landscape continues to become more globalized, the need to attract, engage, and retain top talent is a highly pressing issue. Once again, the survey reveals that the top challenge of the next three years for HR leadership across the globe is Talent — finding it, motivating it, and keeping it.
NOTE: For purposes of this report, “Total Rewards” is defined as everything about the work experience that affects or is available to an employee, including such tangibles as compensation and benefits, as well as such intangibles as learning and development opportunities, deployment, workforce flexibility, leadership communication, and job training.
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