Leadership awakened: Generations, teams, science

Posted in : HR Updates ROI on 22 June 2016
Heather Gordon
Issues covered:

Despite this recognition of priority, 28% of organisations rate their leadership pipelines as weak or very weak, which vividly highlights the immensity of tackling this challenge.

Leadership development is experiencing a revolution, with the focus being placed on new leadership cohorts (Millennials, women and diverse individuals) who have new, innovative skills and a hunger to effectively collaborate with their colleagues. High-performing companies, who were quick to identify the shift in the approach to leadership, outspend their competitors on leadership by almost four times; and they use their investment shrewdly. These organisations have adopted a comprehensive attitude to leadership; developing integrated systems which encompass a specific leadership strategy, blended learning programmes, research-driven content, and intensive coaching. This ensures leadership initiatives are built on a solid foundation of data, evidence and science.

Alongside targeted investment in a structured and analytical leadership programme, organisations need to focus on identifying young, diverse leaders and fostering teams of leaders; promoting the development of “leaders at all levels”. Broadening and deepening leadership capabilities, and building a strong leadership pipeline is also pivotal to ensuring an organisation has the leadership talent they need to compete – today and in the future. 

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This article is correct at 22/06/2016

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Heather Gordon

The main content of this article was provided by Heather Gordon. Contact telephone number is +353 1 417 2200 or email hgordon@deloitte.ie

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