I have a query regarding signatures on the investigatory notes and the disciplinary hearing notes. I was at a seminar recently and it stated that it was the investigation stage of the interview where you are required to get the individual to sign the notes but I just wanted to be sure.
Posted in : First Tuesday Q&A ROI on 6 June 2013 Issues covered:There is no legal requirement to obtain a signature on the notes, however, it is recommended that the official minutes of the investigation meeting are provided to the individual in draft form to afford him/her the opportunity of reviewing and providing comments/objections in respect of the minutes.
Any objections/comments of the individual should be noted on the minutes. Following an investigation, the investigator may wish to read out his/her notes to the individual concerned. Again, any objections or comments of the individual concerned should be noted on the minutes.
Back to Q&A's This article is correct at 02/09/2015Disclaimer:
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