The Importance of Data Protection in the Workplace

Posted in : Supplementary Articles ROI on 28 February 2014 Issues covered:

Following the recent news stories, recent allegations of bugging surrounding the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission and the security breach at Loyaltybuild in November, we thought it would be useful to put together recent news items and articles regarding Data Protection in the workplace for our subscribers…

1. Recent Data Protection News in the Media
2. Data Protection Commissioner’s Draft Strategy Statement 2014-2016
3. Results of Public Awareness Survey carried out during May 2013
4. LKS Article: Protecting Employee Data
5. CFR Article: Bringing your Own Devices to Work

1. Recent Data Protection Stories in the News

A. It’s not just the offices of the

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This article is correct at 06/08/2015

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