In Brief: Important Updates from November 2019
Posted in : Supplementary Articles ROI on 2 December 2019 Issues covered:A number of useful articles were added to the Irish Employment Law Hub throughout the months of October and November. Here is a quick recap of some of the recent developments within the employment law sphere:
The team at A&L Goodbody answer your questions in relation to Parental Leave Entitlements and an Employer’s duty to make reasonable accommodations. Deirdre Crowley, Matheson, also looks in detail at the implications of Nano Nagle v Daly case and a further case review is also available here.
Jennifer Cashman and the team at RDJ provide some guidance on tricky workplace situations such as:
Independent Contractor or Employee – How Do I Handle It?
Conflicting Medical Advice – How do I handle it?
Workplace Relations Commission Inspections - How Do I Handle It?
There are many employee incentive arrangements available and there is no one size fits all approach. In this article, Gillian Dully, Associate Solicitor in the Corporate and Commercial Department, LK Shields, outlines potential share option schemes and discusses potential employment and tax implications of these.
Payment for Sunday Working and the use of Covert Surveillance are examined in detail in our Superior Court Case Law Review Panel.
How to Protect Confidential Information and Equality Considerations in Dress Code Policies are explored in our Reddy Made Contracts series with Reddy Charlton Solicitors.
Gender Discrimination in Promotion and How to Establish a Reasonable Steps Defence are covered by the team at DWF Solicitors.
Dr Gerry McMahon provides some useful guidance on How to... Reinvent and Redesign Your Performance Management System and how to Investigate Workplace Bullying and Harassment Complaints.
Some key stories from our fortnightly reviews include:
Working at Age 55 and Over is on the Rise in Ireland.
It's Budget time again - Mazars outline the employment-related changes.
The European labour authority starts its work.
The Supreme Court provides guidance in McKelvey case on legal representation in workplace disputes.
Microsoft Japan sees 40 per cent increase in productivity after introducing four-day week.
Health Insurance Stamp Duty is to rise for the first time in 3 years
Fortnightly reviews are available here.
You can listen again here to our webinars with Caroline McEnery from the HR Suite.
The information in this article is provided as part of Legal-Island's Employment Law Hub. We regret we are not able to respond to requests for specific legal or HR queries and recommend that professional advice is obtained before relying on information supplied anywhere within this article.