Irish Employment Law: 14 things we learned this quarter (Q3 2019)

Posted in : Supplementary Articles ROI on 2 October 2019
Legal Island
Legal Island
Issues covered:

Legal Island's Learning and Development team have collated all of the updates we sent our 1,300+ Irish Employment Law Hub subscribers in Q3 2019 and listed some of the most important and interesting ones below.

David Fagan of Business Legal considers the use of CCTV and the principle of Transparency

The Supreme Court has ruled in the reasonable accommodation case of Nano Nagle School v Daly

The Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2019allows Gardaí disputes to be referred to the WRC and Labour Court

Ronan Daly Jermyn has produced a very useful guide to current annual leave entitlements in Ireland

Working parents have been able to apply for an additional 4 weeks of unpaid Parental Leave from 1 September 2019

The use of employment injunctions is reviewed by Arthur Cox

<pWhen is a change not a TUPE transfer? Breda O’Malley and Gill Woods of Hayes Solicitors explain

Artificial Intelligence will soon impact on every workplace and Mason Hayes & Curran has produced a splendid guide to AI in Ireland and beyond< p>

The William Fry Employment Report 2019 focuses on an Ageing Workforce and mandatory retirement

A company has been held vicariously liable for an employee's death after he died having sex with a stranger on a business trip

The WRC has launched a dedicated postponement requests email address

Concerns grow about the impact of Brexit. And what happens with pet travel post-Brexit?

Why is September the busiest month in the recruitment calendar? Morgan McKinley know why

The Courts Service of Ireland has a new website


This article is correct at 02/10/2019

The information in this article is provided as part of Legal-Island's Employment Law Hub. We regret we are not able to respond to requests for specific legal or HR queries and recommend that professional advice is obtained before relying on information supplied anywhere within this article.

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