Remote Working - Helpful Resources

Posted in : Supplementary Articles ROI on 23 November 2020
Legal Island
Legal Island
Issues covered: Remote working

The Coronavirus Pandemic has provided both employees and employers the opportunity to trial homeworking arrangements on a temporary basis.  This has been successful for many, but for others an indication that they prefer to work out of their employer’s premises.  The third outcome is that many more prefer a hybrid working arrangement of both home and office working.  

Many employers have had to adjust many approaches to typical HR processes such as performance appraisals, disciplinary and grievance issues, recruitment and selection activities and induction processes. 

At Legal Island we have been keeping pace of these change and have a range of articles and resources to help the HR profession keep up to date.  Here are a few examples:

How to: Manage Remote Workers - in this very comprehensive article on remote working, Dr Gerry McMahon discusses various survey data that outline a shift change in attitudes to remote working and considers the pros and cons of remote working and includes his top tips for effective management of remote workers.

What Does Effective Performance Management For Remote Teams Looks Like? - Niall Eyre, Owner and Principal Consultant at Transform HR, has many years’ experience of leading remote-working teams and in this article he discusses how the performance management process needs to adapt for differing work design models and to ensure inclusion, equality and fairness across teams.

Performance Appraisals – Tips and Advice - Caroline McEnery outlines some key tips for conducting performance appraisals pointing out that although there has been much disruption this year, performance appraisals are still as important as ever.

Watching Out for Burnout - For many, work is challenging - as we try to balance the ever-increasing demands of our role with our own and our families’ needs.  This pre-existing level of stress has been compounded by the impact of Covid-19 - the need to work from home, the phased return (or not) to the workplace, the lack of control we have over what the next few months will bring, the fear of redundancies/restructuring and the constantly moving goalposts.  IMairead Regan, Clarendon Executive outlines some helpful strategies for watching out for and avoiding burnout.

Remote Working And Compliance With Working-Time Rules - Jennifer O’Neill, Consultant with LK Shields, discusses the challenges faced by Employers in achieving compliance with the requirements of the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 during remote working as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic and sets out some guidance on how to do so.


This article is correct at 23/11/2020

The information in this article is provided as part of Legal-Island's Employment Law Hub. We regret we are not able to respond to requests for specific legal or HR queries and recommend that professional advice is obtained before relying on information supplied anywhere within this article.

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