4 Day Week: How to Reduce Work Hours and Increase Productivity

Posted in : Supplementary Articles ROI on 10 February 2022
Legal Island
Legal Island
Issues covered:

Research suggests that a four-day week (where employees continue to receive full-time wages for reduced hours) results in greater productivity.

Why should this be?

It seems to be linked to better work-life balance and a desire to complete tasks on time and then get out of work to enjoy the extended leisure time.

New Zealand-based innovator, entrepreneur and philanthropist Andrew Barnes has made a career of market-changing innovation and industry digitisation.

Recorded at Legal Island's International HR Day conference on 27th January 2022, in this session Andrew explains why he set up 4 Day Week Global and how countries and organisations that have moved to adopt a 4 day working week model are reaping the rewards that come from having a happier, more productive workforce.



This article is correct at 10/02/2022

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