How has the WRC interpreted Lyons v Longford Westmeath ETB?

Posted in : Webinar Recordings on 21 September 2018
Bláthnaid Evans
Issues covered:

The 2017 High Court decision of Lyons v Longford Westmeath ETB was somewhat of a controversial decision in the employment sphere. The judgment of Justice Eager raised serious questions for both employers and employees as to the scope of disciplinary investigations and the role of lawyers therein.

In January 2018 Mr Pat Breen, T.D., Minister of State for Trade, Employment, Business, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection asked the WRC and the Health and Safety Authority to undertake a review of their Codes of Practice on Bullying in the Workplace. The WRC Code dates from 2002 and the HSA Code has been in place since 2007. The Minister’s initiative comes about as a result of evolving

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This article is correct at 21/09/2018

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Bláthnaid Evans

The main content of this article was provided by Bláthnaid Evans. Contact telephone number is +353 632 3113 or email

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