ChatGPT Introductory Session
Posted in : Webinar Recordings on 27 September 2023 Issues covered: ChatGPT, AIChatGPT looks set to join the family of office skills such as Word and Excel that we all need to function effectively.
Early adoption of this remarkable new tool can really help to supercharge levels of efficiency.
In this very special introductory webinar we’ll introduce you to a fascinating new world that looks set to transform how we work forever.
Areas covered include:
- Using ChatGPT + AI whilst keeping confidential information safe and secure.
- AI essentials – understanding what is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cutting through the jargon jungle.
- Prompt engineering – what is it and why is it so important that everyone seems to be talking about it? How to do it well.
- Understanding current limitations of ChatGPT and how soon they will be overcome.
- Top five AI tools to help you do your daily tasks quicker and better every time.
Click here to access the cheat Sheet referred to in the webinar: WebinarCheatSheet.pdf
Transcript to follow
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This article is correct at 27/09/2023Disclaimer:
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