Elaine Mettler

Elaine Mettler

About Elaine Mettler

Elaine advises a wide range of employers, including those in the commercial, educational, health and voluntary sector, public bodies, private and public limited companies, and charities.

Her practice covers all aspects of the employment relationship to include recruitment and equality, contracts and employment documents, compensation and benefits, fixed-term employment contracts, agency workers, performance and absence management, the application of fair procedures to workplace investigations,  grievance and disciplinary processes,  the management of bullying and harassment complaints, protected disclosures, engagement with trade unions and industrial relations, compliance, and the termination of employment.

Elaine also has considerable experience of advising employers on their commercial arrangements with independent contractors and on employment issues arising from outsourcing, insourcing, organisational change, mergers and business transfers. 

Elaine has represented clients in the Equality Tribunal, the Labour Relations Commission, the Labour Court and the Employment Appeals Tribunal and in all types of employment litigation (including injunctions) in all of the civil courts up to the Supreme Court. 

Elaine is the Arthur Cox Editor of the annual publication, the Arthur Cox Employment Law Yearbook and she also regularly delivers bespoke training on employment law topics for client employers and their employees.

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