About this course
The purpose of this course is to tackle the crucial yet often overlooked issue of domestic abuse. It will explain the different forms of domestic abuse, how an employee experiencing abuse may be impacted at work, and the resources and support available to them.
It is important to note that domestic abuse is a difficult subject to read and talk about. We recommend that employees find a safe space to complete this course and take a break when they feel it is necessary. A list of local support services is also included within the course.
Why is domestic abuse awareness training important?
According to the Garda National Protective Services Bureau (GNPSC), a total of 54,047 domestic violence reports were made to gardaí in 2023, an increase of 8% compared to the previous year.
The Work Life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2023 has made it a legal requirement for employers in Ireland to offer up to 5 days of paid leave over a period of 12 months to employees affected by domestic violence.
To implement domestic violence leave effectively, it is recommended that employers embed this support measure within a wider organisational response to domestic abuse, outlined in a workplace domestic violence and abuse policy.
Legal Island has created this Domestic Abuse Awareness eLearning course for all staff to help raise awareness and complement workplace policies and procedures.
Who needs domestic abuse awareness training?
Every employee deserves to feel safe, valued, and respected, inside and outside the workplace. Domestic abuse not only affects those directly involved but has ripple effects on colleagues too.
In their ‘Workplace supports for employees affected by domestic violence and abuse’ guidance, the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and Women’s Aid advise that organisations should consider a programme of training for all employees.
In this eLearning course, we explain the many different forms of domestic abuse, how people can be impacted especially within the workplace, and the resources and support available to them. All-staff training on domestic abuse awareness has the potential to:
- Empower affected employees to seek assistance and support
- Ensure all staff are informed about the availability of domestic violence leave
- Contribute to a zero tolerance culture of domestic abuse in Irish society
Who needs domestic abuse awareness training?
The course will take no longer than 25 minutes to complete including an assessment. Each member of staff will receive their own personalised certificate upon successful completion.
The standard rate of this course is €40+VAT per staff member, however, depending on the number of staff you have, discounts may be available.
To discuss your training options or if you wish to discuss bespoke training needs regarding the inclusion of in-house documents in this eLearning programme, please contact a member of our eLearning team today. Glen Bell - glen@legal-island.com.
Topics covered within the course include:
What domestic abuse is
The impact of domestic abuse
Resources and support available