About this course
The purpose of this course is to raise awareness of harassment and sexual harassment in the workplace and explain how to recognise and appropriately respond to unacceptable behaviour.
Legal Island’s Workplace Harassment and Sexual Harassment eLearning course is tailored specifically to Irish law and provides comprehensive compliance training for all staff on how to recognise and address harassing behaviour in the work environment.
To enhance our ability to provide cutting-edge learning solutions, we have integrated AI tools for eLearning into this course.
Why is workplace harassment training important?
According to Central Statistics Office's (CSO) ‘Sexual Violence Survey 2022’, 1 in 5 adults in Ireland have experienced sexual harassment in the last 12 months.
Every employee, regardless of their role or position, deserves to be treated with dignity and respect in the workplace. Harassment of any kind should not be tolerated whether employees work at a fixed location, at home, or on the move. Harassment in all its different forms can damage an employee’s mental and physical health and negatively impact workplace culture and productivity.
Employers in Ireland have a legal responsibility to protect staff from harassment and sexual harassment in the work environment. They must do everything they reasonably can to protect staff from harassment and take steps to prevent it from happening. An employer is liable for harassment committed by workers in the course of their employment unless they can rely on the ‘reasonable steps’ defence. The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) or a tribunal will consider the reasonableness of an employer in terms of how they have acted and the steps they have taken to avoid and prevent harassment of their workers.
Who needs workplace harassment training?
Employers in Ireland are required to have a ‘Dignity at Work’ policy that sets out the procedure for dealing with complaints of bullying, harassment, and sexual harassment. In their ‘Code of Practice on Sexual Harassment and Harassment at Work’, the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) advises this policy should include a commitment to training all staff on strategies to prevent harassment. This includes explaining the kind of behaviour that constitutes harassment and how staff can recognise and address unacceptable behaviour in the work environment.
The IHREC also advises that workplace harassment training is completed on day one of employment and then refreshed regularly to ensure all staff are made aware of how to recognise and address unacceptable behaviour. Carrying out up-to-date training will help members of staff avoid the threat of harassment and give those who witness harassment (bystanders) the means to safely intervene or support victims. It also gives individuals the confidence to make a complaint if they feel they have been harassed. Every individual in the workplace has a role to play in promoting a safe, respectful culture free from harassment.
How long does this workplace harassment training take?
The course will take no longer than 45 minutes to complete including an assessment. Each member of staff will receive their own personalised certificate upon successful completion.
The standard rate of this course is €40+VAT per staff member, however, depending on the number of staff you have, discounts may be available.
To discuss your training options or if you wish to discuss bespoke training needs regarding the inclusion of in-house documents in this eLearning programme, please contact a member of our eLearning team today. Glen Bell - glen@legal-island.com.
Topics covered within the course include:
What is harassment and sexual harassment
The impact of sexual harassment at work
How to recognise and address unacceptable behaviour
How to make a complaint of harassment or sexual harassment