Compliance training delivered through the medium of eLearning is easy to administer, cost-effective and delivers records in real-time.
Legal Island's courses have been trusted to train over 200,000 employees in top public, private and third sector organisations across the island of Ireland.
All of our courses are designed to train all staff, across your entire organisation via eLearning in a range of key topic areas and can be accessed anytime, anywhere from a mobile device, laptop, tablet, or desktop.
What courses are available?
Domestic Abuse Awareness Training
The Work Life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2023 has made it a legal requirement for employers in Ireland to offer up to 5 days of paid leave over a period of 12 months to employees affected by domestic violence.
To implement domestic violence leave effectively, it is recommended that employers embed this support measure within a wider organisational response to domestic abuse, outlined in a workplace domestic violence and abuse policy.
Legal Island has created this Domestic Abuse Awareness eLearning course for all staff to help raise awareness and complement workplace policies and procedures.
Topics covered within the course include:
What domestic abuse is
The impact of domestic abuse
Resources and support available
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, as an MSS client member, you can avail of the reduced rate of €20 per staff member.
Register InterestWorkplace Harassment and Sexual Harassment
Employers in Ireland have a legal responsibility to protect staff from harassment and sexual harassment in the work environment. They must do everything they reasonably can to protect staff from harassment and take steps to prevent it from happening. An employer is liable for harassment committed by workers in the course of their employment unless they can rely on the ‘reasonable steps’ defence. The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) or a tribunal will consider the reasonableness of an employer in terms of how they have acted and the steps they have taken to avoid and prevent harassment of their workers.
Legal Island’s Workplace Harassment and Sexual Harassment eLearning course is tailored specifically to Irish law and provides comprehensive compliance training for all staff on how to recognise and address harassing behaviour in the work environment.
Topics covered within the course include:
What is harassment and sexual harassment
The impact of sexual harassment at work
How to recognise and address unacceptable behaviour
How to make a complaint of harassment or sexual harassment
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, as an MSS client member, you can avail of the reduced rate of €20 per staff member.
Register InterestCyber Security Awareness
It is vital that your employees have an understanding of the importance of cyber security and the dangers that may be present in your workplace.
Legal Island’s Cyber Security Awareness eLearning course is tailored specifically to Irish law and provides comprehensive compliance training for all employees on cyber security practices in the work environment.
Topics covered within the course include:
What cyber security is
Why cyber security is important
How to spot the signs of a cyber attack
How to protect against a cyber attack
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, as an MSS client member, you can avail of the reduced rate of €20 per staff member.
Register InterestGDPR Training
This course is tailored specifically, to provide all your employees with comprehensive training and you with an evidence trail for the Data Protection Commission (DPC), should a data breach occur.
Topics covered within the course include:
Why protecting data is important
The law relating to data protection
How to protect data in the modern world
How to protect against a cyber attack
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, as an MSS client member, you can avail of the reduced rate of €10 per staff member.
Register InterestESG in the Workplace
ESG refers to the Environmental, Social, and Governance issues that impact the day to day running of an organisation. Concerns over climate change, sustainability, and inequality has led many organisations in the Republic of Ireland to take a more ethical and responsible approach to how they run their businesses.
Topics covered within the course include:
What ESG is and why it is important
How to help your organisation achieve its environmental goals
How to help your organisation achieve its social goals
How to help your organisation achieve its governance goals
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, as an MSS client member, you can avail of the reduced rate of €10 per staff member.
Register InterestSocial Media in the Workplace
The use of social media provides employees with the opportunity to stumble into a great deal of hot water by sharing and commenting on inappropriate posts and links. With the continual advent of new forms of social media, employers need to stay on top of their game to try to prevent misuse of social media by employees.
Legal Island’s Social Media in the Workplace eLearning course will help employees understand how the misuse of social media can impact them and their employers, sharing practical examples and useful tips on how to use social media responsibly.
Topics covered within the course include:
The impact of social media
The legal issues associated with social media
The benefits and risks of social media
How to use social media responsibly
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, as an MSS client member, you can avail of the reduced rate of €10 per staff member.
Register InterestManaging Your Team's Health and Wellbeing
Being proactive with mental health training is imperative in helping employees face mental health illnesses. Early intervention is essential when it comes to a mental health condition, largely due to the condition’s lack of physical signs. Those around us at work, who we spend most of our time with, are the most likely to spot these signs. However, trained employees are far more likely to be present and ready to offer help with warning signs than those who are not.
Topics covered within the course include:
What is meant by health and wellbeing
Why managing your team's health and wellbeing is important
Some causes of health and wellbeing problems
How managers can support their team
How to spot the signs of health and wellbeing issues
What to do if a member of your team is struggling
How to prepare for a sensitive conversation
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, as an MSS client member, you can avail of the reduced rate of €10 per staff member.
Register InterestHR Toolkit
HR professionals are currently facing more challenges than at any other time in history. A global health crisis, a move to hybrid and remote ways of working, and an economic downturn are just a few of the issues keeping HR professionals busy.
Legal Island has created an HR Toolkit that aims to provide comprehensive training to assist HR professionals in Ireland, in supporting line managers and employees throughout the employee journey. The suite of courses will offer practical advice to assist you in updating your processes and procedures and help you understand your legal obligations.
Courses included in this HR Toolkit:
Recruitment in the Modern Workplace
Managing Performance
Tackling Sensitive Workplace Conversations
Dealing with Difficult People
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, as an MSS client member, you can avail of the reduced rate of €10 per staff member.
Register InterestWorkplace Bullying
Are you responsible for overseeing the implementation of training for all employees on the new Bullying Code of Practice in your organisation?
Legal Island has created a 45-minute eLearning course in partnership with Ogier Leman LLP, specifically for all employees in Ireland. The provision of this training for your staff will enable your organisation to act in compliance with the Code and help to raise awareness of bullying in the workplace and explain what to do if employees are concerned about bullying.
Topics covered within the course include:
What is (and what is not) bullying at work
What is harassment at work
What are the effects of bullying at work
How to prevent bullying at work
What employees should do if they are concerned about bullying in their workplace
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, as an MSS client member, you can avail of the reduced rate of €10 per staff member.
Register InterestRight to Disconnect
Engagement and training of managers and staff on the “Right to Disconnect” is a key feature of the new Workplace Relations Commission (“WRC”) Code of Practice for Employers and Employees on the Right to Disconnect (‘the Code’).
Legal Island has created a 45-minute eLearning course in partnership with RDJ LLP, specifically for all employees in Ireland. The provision of this training for your staff will enable your organisation to act in compliance with the Code, help reinforce the appropriate behaviours around disconnecting from work outside normal working hours and create a culture of good work/life balance.
Topics covered within the course include:
What the Code of Practice for Employers and Employees on the Right to Disconnect is
Your responsibilities as an employer
The responsibilities of your employees
Why it is important to disconnect
Warning signs you need to disconnect
How to disconnect
What to do if your right to disconnect has not been respected
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, as an MSS client member, you can avail of the reduced rate of €10 per staff member.
Register InterestDealing with Anxiety when Returning to Work
As COVID-19 restrictions ease and workplaces open back up across Ireland, it is more important than ever that your staff are equipped to deal with the feelings of anxiety that this change may bring.
Whether you have employees returning to work from the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) or returning to the workplace after working from home, it is important that your staff have an understanding of what anxiety is and the knowledge of how to deal with their own levels of anxiety as they return to work.
Legal Island has created a 45-minute eLearning course to support your employees when returning to work as COVID-19 restrictions ease and workplaces begin to reopen.
Topics covered within the course include:
What anxiety is
What causes anxiety
Why employees may feel anxious about returning to work
The warning signs to look out for
Tips to help employees return to work and remain healthy in the workplace
How to support colleagues
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, as an MSS client member, you can avail of the reduced rate of €10 per staff member.
Register InterestReturn to Work Safely Protocol: COVID-19 Induction Training
One of the steps outlined in the Governments Work Safely Protocol is that employers must provide COVID-19 induction training for all employees before they return to the workplace. Legal Island has created an eLearning course in partnership with RDJ LLP that complies with HSA guidance and enables employers to provide compulsory COVID-19 induction training to all employees in Ireland, in advance of them returning safely to the workplace.
Topics covered within the course include:
What is Coronavirus (COVID-19)
What are the symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
How to protect yourself and others from Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Return to Work Safely Protocol
Health & Safety
How the COVID-19 situation may affect your mental health
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, given these exceptional times, we have reduced the price of this course to €10 per staff member for MSS client members.
Register InterestManaging and Motivating Remote Workers in Ireland
While continuing to navigate our way through the COVID-19 pandemic, as organisations and employees consider transitioning office-based workers to a new remote working option permanently, it is necessary that managers are trained to optimise team performance. They also need to protect the wellbeing of each team member, whether they all work remotely, or some are based in the office and are part of a hybrid team.
Legal Island has created an eLearning course in partnership with Think People Consulting that will provide managers of remote workers in Ireland with the tools to manage and motivate their team, optimise performance, and achieve organisational goals.
Topics covered within the course include:
What a remote worker and hybrid team is
The benefits and challenges of being a remote worker
The challenges of managing a remote team
How to manage a remote worker to optimise performance
Techniques to motivate and engage remote workers
How to protect your own mental health and wellbeing when managing remote workers
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, as an MSS client member, you can avail of the reduced rate of €20 per staff member.
Register InterestEmployee Wellbeing Toolkit
Good mental health and wellbeing practices in the workplace are essential for us all. With an estimated 70 million work days lost each year to poor mental health, good practices can provide not only a productive but a safe workplace for everyone.
Legal Island’s Employee Wellbeing eLearning Toolkit provides comprehensive training for all Irish-based employees, ensuring staff are aware of the importance of mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. The toolkit is designed to enable all-staff training for organisations, with 7 key mental health and wellbeing topic areas to choose from.
Courses available within this toolkit include:
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Suicide Awareness
Musculoskeletal Health
Managing stress
Building resilience
As an MSS client member, you can choose any 4 courses (topic areas) for €30 per staff member.
Register InterestProtecting Yourself when Home Working
The purpose of this course is to provide all employees in your organisation with an overview on how to protect their physical and mental health whilst home working.
Topics covered within the course include:
The importance of health and safety when home working
Your responsibilities under health and safety law
How to protect your physical health while home working
How to protect your mental health while home working
How to work together to protect each other
Common household hazards to watch out for
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, given these exceptional times, we have reduced the price of this course to €10 per staff member for MSS client members.
Register InterestProtecting Data when Hybrid Working
If you have staff within your organisation who work between the office and home, it is crucial that they understand their responsibilities and obligations under data protection law. This means that they are better equipped to protect your organisation against a cyber attack.
The Data Protection Commission (DPC) advises it is good practice to provide all staff with data protection training on or shortly after starting employment.
Legal Island’s Protecting Data in a Hybrid World eLearning course is tailored specifically to provide all your employees with comprehensive training and you with an evidence trail for the DPC, should a data breach occur.
Topics covered within the course include:
Why protecting data is important
The law relating to data protection
How to protect data in a hybrid world
How to protect against a cyber attack
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, as an MSS client member, you can avail of the reduced rate of €20 per staff member.
Register InterestProtecting Data when Home Working
With most organisations suddenly having remote working thrust upon them, what are you doing to protect your employees, customers and reputation? Compliance around data and data protection for remote workers is very important. This is why we created a 30-minute course enabling all employees to know how to protect themselves and your organisation.
Topics covered within the course include:
Why data protection is important
The law relating to data protection
What is cyber security
How to protect your organisation from a cyber attack
What to do if you discover a data breach
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, given these exceptional times, we have reduced the price of this course to €10 per staff member for MSS client members.
Register InterestDiversity & Inclusion - The Importance of Conscious Inclusion
Top employment lawyers advise it is essential to provide all staff with diversity and inclusion training on, or shortly after starting employment.
Legal Island’s Diversity & Inclusion - The Importance of Conscious Inclusion eLearning course will help your staff understand the importance of inclusive behaviour in the workplace and the value it brings to both your staff and your organisation. This course is tailored specifically to Irish law and provides comprehensive compliance training for all employees within your organisation.
Topics covered within the course include:
What diversity and inclusion is
The law relating to diversity and inclusion
The importance of inclusion
How to work in a positive and inclusive manner
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, as an MSS client member, you can avail of the reduced rate of €20 per staff member.
Register InterestUnconscious Bias in the Workplace
With the value of diversity and inclusion as important as ever, it is vital that employees have an understanding of how unconscious bias can impact on their workplace and the organisation. We all have biases, many of them unconscious. Dealing with these biases starts with making the unconscious conscious.
Legal Island’s Unconscious Bias in the Workplace eLearning course provides comprehensive training for all Irish-based employees, ensuring awareness of good practice in reducing unconscious bias in the workplace.
Topics covered within the course include:
What unconscious bias is and how can it impact the workplace
The different types of unconscious bias that exist
Good practice in avoiding unconscious bias in the workplace
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, as an MSS client member, you can avail of the reduced rate of €20 per staff member.
Register InterestWhistleblowing Awareness in the Workplace
It is important that your employees have an understanding of the importance of whistleblowing awareness in the workplace and the legislation that exists to protect both employees and employers when people speak up against wrongdoing in the workplace.
Legal Island’s Whistleblowing Awareness in the Workplace eLearning course is tailored specifically to Irish law and is designed to complement an organisations own policies. The purpose of this course is to raise all your employees’ awareness and protect staff from any abuse or mistreatment during or after they blow the whistle.
Topics covered within the course include:
What a whistleblower is
The law relating to whistleblowing
The difference between a grievance and a protected disclosure
How to make a protected disclosure
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, as an MSS client member, you can avail of the reduced rate of €20 per staff member.
Register InterestWorkplace Health & Safety
Health and safety legislation places certain legal duties on employers and employees to ensure a good standard of health and safety in the workplace.
Legal Island’s Workplace Health & Safety eLearning course is tailored specifically to Irish law and to provide your employees with comprehensive training on health and safety practices in the workplace.
Topics covered within the course include:
The importance of health and safety in the workplace
Your responsibilities under health and safety law as an employer
Staff responsibilities under health and safety law
Common hazards and risks that can cause accidents and ill-health
What to do if you spot a hazard
The standard rate of this course is €40 per staff member, however, as an MSS client member, you can avail of the reduced rate of €20 per staff member.
Register Interest
FREE demo access and more information
Complete the form below to get FREE demo access to our courses on behalf of your organisation or for more information.
Alternatively, if you would like to discuss your training needs further, please do not hesitate to contact Debbie Wilson - or 01 401 3874.