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Dealing with a Complaint of Bullying

Posted in: How Do I Handle It ROI on 24/04/2015 I have received a complaint from an employee that they are feeling bullied by their immediate manager. Our Dignity at Work Policy provides for mediation as an optional first step in our informal process. How do I handle it?Michelle Ryan writes:When an employer is made aware of a complaint of bullyi...

Team Moves & Protecting the Company's Interests

Posted in: How Do I Handle It ROI on 19/03/2015 The Head of our Research and Development Team has resigned and taken up a position with a key competitor. We suspect he wants to take his entire team with him. If this happens, the potential ramifications for the company are massive–our Research and Development Team is privy to confidential informa...

Private Investigators

Posted in: How Do I Handle It ROI on 17/02/2015 I have concerns that employees may be abusing our Sick Leave Policy. I would like to engage a Private investigator to check their whereabouts when they call in for sick days. How do I handle it?Jennifer writes:Engaging a Private investigator to carry out covert surveillance on an employee should no...

Tendering Process & TUPE Implications

Posted in: How Do I Handle It ROI on 20/01/2015 We currently hold a contract from our client to provide certain services. We have been advised that, arising out of a recent tendering process, we have lost this contract and the contract will transfer to a new service provider. We have a number of employees assigned to work on this contract and we...
This article is listed under the following topics:
Health and Safety Contracts of Employment Data Protection and GDPR

Obesity in the Workplace

Posted in: How Do I Handle It ROI on 23/12/2014 We have an overweight employee whose obesity is preventing them from undertaking the full functions of their role and it is having a knock on effect for their co-workers. How do I handle it? In this article David McCarroll, Partner with Ronan Daly Jermyn’s Employment Law Unit tackles the circumstan...

Mitigating factors in disciplinary procedures

Posted in: How Do I Handle It ROI on 21/10/2014 I am in the middle of a disciplinary process with an employee for a gross misconduct issue, and he has asked me to look at mitigating factors. The investigation already found that there has been a breach of policy which falls within our definition of gross misconduct. Surely this means dismissal sh...
This article is listed under the following topics:
Dismissal Discipline Health and Safety Contracts of Employment

Failure to Meet Performance Expectations

Posted in: How Do I Handle It ROI on 23/09/2014 I have a number of employees who are not meeting expectations in terms of performance. How do I handle it? Michelle Ryan writes:In this email we will take a closer look at some practical advice on performance management. The recent decision of the Employment Appeals Tribunal in Rachel Berthold v Go...

Dismissing an Employee Convicted of an Offence

Posted in: How Do I Handle It ROI on 17/06/2014 Can I dismiss an employee who has been convicted of an offence or accused of a crime? A conviction/accusation has been published in the paper and the Company does not wish to retain this person in employment in circumstances where the conviction/accusation is a poor reflection on the organisation a...
This article is listed under the following topics:
Dismissal Discipline Health and Safety Contracts of Employment

Fair, Reasonable and Proportionate Disciplinary Process

Posted in: How Do I Handle It ROI on 20/05/2014 Antoinette Vahey from RDJ looks at the recent High Court judgment Una Ruffley v Board of Management of St. Anne's School and considers the requirements on an employer to implement a fair, reasonable and proportionate disciplinary process. The recent Judgment of the High Court in the case of Una Ruf...

Paternity and Other Leave Developments

Posted in: How Do I Handle It ROI on 20/03/2014 A male employee has queried whether or not he has an entitlement to take Paternity leave, as he has heard that there have been developments in this area. I am unaware of these developments. How do I handle it? Michelle Ryan writes:We will take a closer look at current maternity and other family lea...