
Updates on legislation related to pension schemes; pension age; pension eligibility; pension contributions; taxation on pensions; auto-enrolment.

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Case Law

Leonard Brennan v Central Remedial Clinic Crc [2024]

Decision number: ADJ-00052216, Legal body: Workplace Relations Commission (WRC),

Posted In: Case Law

This article is listed under the following topics:
Contracts of Employment Pensions
Case Law

A Craft Worker v A Drinks Company [2021]

Decision number: ADJ0031723, Legal body: Workplace Relations Commission (WRC),

Posted In: Case Law

This article is listed under the following topics:
Pensions Collective and Trade Union Issues Pay
Case Law

Employees of a Youth Service v A Youth Service [2019]

Decision number: ADJ-00015755, Legal body: Workplace Relations Commission (WRC),

Posted In: Case Law

This article is listed under the following topics:
Discrimination Pensions