Productivity in a Blended/Hybrid Working Environment - Overcoming Challenges & Improving Employee

Productivity in a Blended/Hybrid Working Environment - Overcoming Challenges & Improving Employee


One of the more positive outcomes of the Covid-19 pandemic was the opportunity it provided for employers and employees to experiment with remote working.

As a result, many employers now provide a mixed work model for their employees which can be a combination of remote working from home or a designated hub and working from the office.

Blended working is all about blending where, when and how employees work so the workforce can perform to its full potential and the business can remain as proactive (not just reactive) as possible.

Whether it’s agile, flexible, hybrid or blended, these modern modes of working can benefit your business and your employees with the right environment in which to thrive and act as a strategic recruitment and retention tool. 

However, a key concern for employers is how to achieve maximum productivity from this working arrangement.  

Our expert trainer, Michelle Halloran, Principal Consultant at MH Human Resource Management Services, has spent many years working with HR departments in leading companies and public sector bodies helping them upskill and to adopt the very latest practices and procedures.  In this essential workshop, Michelle outlines how employers can maximise employee productivity by careful planning and management of blended/hybrid working arrangements. In doing so, Michelle addresses a number of key questions including: 

  • What is blended/hybrid working?
  • How do we determine what roles are suitable for blended/hybrid working?
  • What is productivity?
  • How do you measure productivity?
  • How do we determine the right kind of work to do in the right location?
  • What factors can influence productivity and what can we do about them?
  • How important is the probationary period in achieving high levels of productivity?
  • How can the working day be remodelled to improve productivity?
  • Dealing with poor productivity – informal and formal processes

Who is this event for? 

This event is ideal for line managers, HR professionals and anyone who manages a remote or blended/hybrid working team.

When and Where?

The event will be held over 2 half days - Tuesday 21st & Wednesday 22nd March 2023 online via the Hopin Platform.


Standard Rate: €345
Early Bird Offer EXTENDED :€295 (deadline 5pm on Friday 10 March)

Save an additional €20 when you pay with a card when booking online!


Day 1: Tuesday 21st of March 2023


Get to Know Us

Familiarise yourself with the functions of our online event. Julie Holmes, Knowledge Partner at Legal Island welcomes delegates to our event and introduces our facilitator, Michelle Halloran.


New Productivity Challenges

In one of the biggest changes to working life in recent years, what are the new productivity challenges? 


Which Roles for Blended/Hybrid Working?

A recent UK case saw a GP receptionist successfully claim that her role could have been home-based, despite her boss assuming it could not. With government support for flexible working and increased employee expectations, Michelle will look at the practicalities in managing expectations and requests.


Comfort break  - Time to take a break from the screen and get some refreshments


Office vs Home: Maximising Productivity

Blended working should not be a simple ‘lift and shift’ of employee roles from the office. Employees need to know what type of work is suitable for each work location or you will find productivity suffers. How do you determine which tasks are better suited to the work or remote environment?  


Remodelling the Manager Role for the Hybrid Era

Today’s work environment requires leaders to be more authentic, empathetic, and adaptive providing “human” leadership. According to research, this is a priority for 60% of HR leaders. Find out how to effectively prepare leaders for the future of work.


Review and Close of Day 1

Day 2: Wednesday 22 of March 2023


Day 2 Welcome Back


Lark or Night Owl? Baby Boomer or Generation Z?  How it Impacts Your Effectiveness at Work


We’ve all heard people say “I’m not a morning person” or noticed increased spikes in absence on specific days of the week. Michelle delves into factors which can influence productivity and how you can maximise the benefits.


Working Smarter, Not Harder

A study showed 70% of remote workers work on the weekends, and 45% answered said they work beyond 40 hours during the weekdays. This is a formula for burnout and low productivity.  Find out what tools and strategies can help.


Comfort break - Time to take a break from the screen and get some refreshments


Effective Remote Onboarding & Supporting New Staff

9 in 10 new hires would leave a job that fails to meet expectations within the first month. How do you ensure company values, culture and expectations transfer over video meetings or online chat in a blended working environment? Michelle looks at adapting processes to meet the need and retain carefully procured talent.


An Age-old Problem in a New Environment

Poor productivity is an age-old problem. Dealing with underperformance in a blended working environment presents even more challenges. Michelle looks at performance management processes in a hybrid environment.





Summary and Conclusions


Close of Day



  • Michelle Halloran
    Michelle Halloran Trainer
    MH Human Resource Management Services Solutions

    Michelle Halloran is an experienced Human Resource Management professional and an accredited workplace mediator providing training and consultancy services to organisations nationwide, in the Public and Private sector. She has spent a long career originally in executive and general management roles, then specialising in Human Resources management in Ireland, the UK and Europe, across various sectors including investment banking, information technology, manufacturing and services plus some time in the public sector, before starting her own HR consultancy business 17 years ago. Her key areas of expertise are in workplace investigations, disciplinary and performance management and employee relations, and the practical application of employment law in a HR context.


Event details


2 Half Days; 21st & 22nd March


21 March 2023


Online - Hopin


Standard Rate: €345
Early Bird Offer EXTENDED :€295 (deadline 5pm on Friday 10 March)

Save an additional €20 when you pay with a card when booking online!