Barbara Brennan

See Change


About Barbara Brennan

Barbara helps people understand what mental health really is, the impact of stigma, and how to become more inclusive in a changing world.

Leading a national programme to reduce mental health related stigma has given her the opportunity to create a robust delivery structure with the voices of lived experience at it's heart. Working with many diverse groups across the country and normalising inclusion has created an environment for providing comprehensive and accessible programmes and services that deliver meaningful content working towards culture change.

She has over a decade of experience raising awareness of mental health issues. As a facilitator and public speaker she has worked with several Government bodies, and many organisations across Ireland such as Boots, Coca-Cola Ireland, IBEC, and many more. Barbara also have lectured in Trinity College, Cork University, Maynooth University & DCU among others on this topic.

Her passions are creating positive change, giving people the tools they need to succeed, and bringing about attitude change towards those who have been treated 'less than'.