Elaine Kelly

Byrne Wallace


About Elaine Kelly

Elaine is a Partner in the ByrneWallace Employment Law Team.  She has over 12 years’ experience advising on all aspects of the employment relationship.  Elaine leads the firm's offering on “atypical” working covering the law as it relates to part-time work, fixed-term work, agency work, job sharing, flexible working arrangements and e-working.  She also has particular expertise in equality law and business acquisitions and outsourcing.

Elaine has presented on employment law issues to Public Affairs Ireland, Legal Island and Chartered Institute of Accountants.  She is a regular speaker on “Transfer of Undertakings" on the Law Society Diploma in Employment Law.  She is co-author of the Law Society’s Employment Law Manual published by Oxford University Press 2011 and the e-textbook for the Law Society of Ireland’s Professional Practice Course in employment law.  Elaine regularly provides bespoke employment law training.

Elaine's experience includes:

  • Supporting public sector clients in effecting change management against the backdrop of the Croke Park and Haddington Road Agreements to include advising on the introduction of performance management policies, outsourcing, redeployment, secondment and effecting changes to terms and conditions of employment.
  • Assisting corporate clients through extensive redundancy and restructuring programmes providing advice on the whole range of employment law and industrial relations issues that arise in that context to include negotiation of severance packages, collective redundancies, equality issues and the development of selection matrix.
  • Representing clients in employment litigation.  
  • Extensive experience advising on Transfer of Undertakings Law, to include transfer of staff between statutory bodies, merger of statutory bodies and TUPE issues arising in the context of outsourcing agreements.